ASTARTE - Artistic bronze foundry
Español English

Figures fabrication scheme

Astarte use the lost wax method. This method consists of evaporate the wax in a mold to refill with bronze later. The steps are:

  • Make a mold:

    If the figure we want to create a copy of bronze is not made of wax, we will create a latex and plaster mold.

  • Add Throughts and vents:

    Once the figure is built of wax, we will add some paths of wax to enter the bronce and evacuate the air.

  • Add a shirt:

    We must to create a shirt arround the wax. This shirt is a cover to hold the bronze later.

  • Do the casting out:

    In this phase we heat the molds to a high temperature until all the wax is evaporated.

  • Do the melting:

    Finally, the bronze is melted and introduced in the mold.

  • Remove throughts and vents:

    Once the figure has been melted and the shirt is removed, we cut throughts and vents and fix the union between these throughts and vents and the figure.

  • Patinado de la obra:

    Una vez fundida la escultura, se la patina con distintos pigmentos para perfeccionar el acabado.


Astarte builds molds on high quality materials, also by order to let the artist use with different materials.


Nuestra fundición utiliza diferentes tipos de recubrimientos, cáscara cerámica, pasta de joyería, yesos mejorados con refractarios, cementos refractarios, costra etc... dependiendo del tamaño, definición de detalles y demás características de la pieza.


Astarte funde con sus propias aleaciones estudiando la más adecuada a el tamaño de la obra.


Astarte dispone de un amplio surtido de pátinas, desde las clásicas y de envejecimiento a los colores más atrevidos.


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- Sculptures
- Sculptures' Repairing
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- Figure sells

- lost wax method

Address: c/Jose Mª Pemán 3-8ºC 41013 Sevilla (Spain)
Phone: +34 955664329
January the first, 2003. Copyright © 2001, ASTARTE (